Friday, December 11, 2020

How did we do with the Novel Corona Virus response?

How did the USA do in their response to the Novel Corona Virus Pandemic?

Let's try comparing some Apples to Apples.  Not easy, but I believe it is possible to a degree.

Globally, on 12/11/2020, there are 69,788,140 cases worldwide and there have been 1,585,727 deaths.  The population of the planet is 7,800,000,000 give or take a few undocumented births/deaths.  There has been a 0.89% rate of infection, and among those with confirmed disease, 2.3% have died.  These numbers are the best we have; there are countries in which appearances are more important than the health of their people and countries in which poverty and war are making any management of this pandemic impossible. 

(I've chosen a sample 8 of the countries-New Zealand, USA, UK, Sweden, India, Brazil, Canada and Japan, not at war and not run by dictators with an agenda of hiding their information)

New Zealand has done the Best at managing the disease.  It is a country with 4,822,233 people. They have had 2,092 cases and 25 deaths.  Their management was swift and tight.  They have a 0.0004% rate of infection in their population with a 2.3% of infected dying.  The country makes up 0.06% of the world population but only 0.003% of the world's Covid infections.  Good job, New Zealand!

Next best of the 8 is Japan.  Japan has a population of 126,476,461 people living on another smallish Island.  They represent 1.6% of the world population.    They have had 171,542 cases and 2,502 deaths.  That is a 0.14% rate of infection with 1.5% of those cases ending in death. That is only 0.25% (one quarter of one percent) of the world's cases.  Good Job, Japan!

India has had 9,818,364 cases so far with 142,417 deaths.  They have 17.7% of the world population with 1,380,004,385 people living there.  There is a 0.7% infection rate with a 1.45% death rate among those infected.  They have had 14% of the cases globally.  I am not familiar with the actions the country took, they may have limited international travel, or they may have started testing late in the game, but they seem to have had 3% fewer cases than their population expected.

Canada, land to our north, has had 442,069 cases with 13,109 death.  They have national health care so everyone can get tested and treated without delay or avoidance.  They have a 1.2% rate of infection (of the total population of the country) with a 2.97% death rate among those infected (higher than the global rate, but that may have to do with more testing and their faster response to the pandemic)  They represent 0.5% of the world population and 0.63% of the cases.  Maybe they didn't do that well after all.

Sweden, who actually started out pretty loose with their pandemic response has had 320,098 cases and 7,514 deaths.  The country makes up 0.13% of the world population with 10,099,265 people in their borders.  They have had a 3.17% rate of infection during this pandemic with 2.3% of those infected dying of the virus. Their infection were 0.46% of the world cases.  (so about 2.5x the rate of infection expected)

The UK has a population of 67,886,011 people.  They have had 1,787,783 case of Covid.  That is a 2.6% infection rate with 3.5% of those diagnosed as infected dying.  They represent 0.87% of the world population but 2.56% of the cases.  That is almost 3 times the expected number of the global numbers.  Populism and pulling out of the EU did not help on this.  

Now for Brazil, with 212,559,417 people it is 2.8% of the world population,  They have had 9.7% of the corona cases.  There has been a 3.19% rate of infection in the population with a 2.7% death rate among the infected.  That is over 3 times the expected rate of infection.  Having seen the poverty and infrastructure in the photos  from their cities, I'm not actually surprised.
I am surprised that the USA, has had 15,715,231 cases with 295,450 deaths while it calls itself the wealthiest nation in the world.  We make up 4.2% of the world population (331,002,651) but 22.5% of the world's cases.  We have a 4.7% rate of infection with a 1.9% death rate among those cases.  That is over 5 times the number of expected cases for our country.

While I am not betting the global rates are 100% (or even 75%) accurate, I am betting that our leadership, or lack thereof created our terrible response in comparison to other educated and wealthy countries---atrocious.

If the United States had responded as quickly and surely as New Zealand we would have had 13,240 cases and 158 deaths.  THAT is what a response could have done.  Our leadership failed and our people need better science education and critical thinking skills.

One:  giving the wealthy a heads-up (three months head start) so they could do some insider trading and score big before letting on to the public that there was a pandemic was pretty tacky and not the act of a moral and ethical political leader.  It actually seems more like the act of one of the dictators that I left out of the list because I didn't expect honest reporting.

Two:  Call the pandemic a hoax for three month, then keeping that up until the virus was spread far an wide while refusing to admit that people were dying of an illness was an act of childish disregard for the lives of those most at risk for death.

Three: turning a virus, a microbe discovered by scientist some time ago into a political cause and a human rights violation (you can't mask us or stop us from gathering or any of the things every country that kept their infection rate down and thus death rates down, did.  
And last but not least: throwing out the pandemic plan that taxpayer's money was spent on in the previous administration for developing ways to prevent, ebola, SARS, and odd strains of influenza (like the old spanish flu) from traveling through our population and decimating it, was an act of childish ego(exaggeration, it isn't an actual decimation, but by the end, few of us won't have lost a loved one).

We will have a vaccine available soon, with a 90% effectiveness rate.  But soon, for many of us will be a year from now.  And 90% is not 100%.  And we don't know about long term adverse reactions--and won't for 10 years.

Right now, we have masks (they aren't anywhere near 100% effective, but if used, correctly, WITH social distancing AND avoiding large indoor gathering (air recirculation becomes a viral load concentrator) they are better than nothing.  AND, what we have.

We have always had good handwashing and now better hand sanitizers, use them.  

So, find a good home alone hobby, and NO, the USA didn't do a good job at handling the pandemic and It wasn't God's will unless God likes New Zealand better than the rest of us.  

And saving the economy by ignoring the pandemic didn't fix the economy.  So we have a lot of sick people, a lot of unemployed people with their benefits running out, a lot of hungry people, and a lot of people about to be evicted. 

The billionaire class made out like bandits though. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

"People don't change"

 I've heard that my whole life, "People don't change", "they just get older and uglier", "they just get fatter", or worst, "they just learn to hide it better".

But, I've changed.  The person I was in my teens and twenties is so different than me now that I can't believe I was ever like I was back then.  

And, no, I haven't changed completely.  The seeds of who I am now existed all the way back in first grade. 

People in their thirties start noticing the changes.  They say things like,  "I guess I'm growing up" and less wonderful things like, "I guess I'm getting old".  Old should be older, but both are right.  

By forty, many of us were trying to grasp that, well, life might very well be half over.  No one was ID'ing us anymore in liquor store or clubs.  No one was commenting on how well you we were doing for our age unless we became POTUS.  People look askance at you when you say you are thinking about going back to school.  But you still feel pretty good.  Unless you have smoked or drank alot and sunbathed alot and have really bad genes, you probably don't have too many wrinkles.  If you aren't still in shape, you feel like you could get back into shape.  

By fifty, your definitely hitting middle age.  Clothing choices have changed with comfort and appropriateness to the situation outweigh the possibility of some great complements for the daring fashion statement.  No one tells you that your jewelry choices are too big or to bold unless you start wearing hello kitty necklaces or get your nose pierced for the next staff meeting.  And nobody asks about your kids, they ask if you have grandkids, even if your kid is only 8. A fancy sports car means midlife crisis not successful and fun.  Hitting the club every night means you're an alcoholic.  You think back to your teen years, and finally admit that you were no where near as together as you thought at the time.  (if you were really self-observant, you may have noticed this by your late thirties, but when you raised your own kids seems to have an impact on this bit of self-awareness).

By sixty, you are getting a little touchy about people treating you like you are getting old, over-the-hill, a fuddy-duddy, no longer capable of running with the young shakers and movers(if richer than god, you may not get this message, but they are thinking it).  You can fight it, try really hard to keep the gray out of the hair, the wrinkles at bay, the middle age spread from ruining the clothing lines.  You can learn the new lingo, and treat the people your age worse than the 30 year olds do.  Or, you can retire ASAP and do what you want.  

But when dealing with people older than you, at any age, never forget---they have been your age.  They have lived it.  Maybe they didn't examine it, preferring denial, but somewhere in there, they know something about what it is like to be you.

And, they know about change.  Self-change.

Some change is slow and hard to see;  may take years to grasp that the  anxious and self-conscious child you were is completely gone.

Some change is fast, a moment of insight, the knowledge that much as you want something, that is not realistic,that you can never alter yourself enough to succeed or that you can not actually change another person to fit your desires.  

And change is not the enemy.

There is nothing more pathetic than a person who is exactly the same person they were at 16.  They have not grown, not up, not more mature, not more self-aware.  Thank god that doesn't happen that often.

People change daily. 

Change is a sign of adaptability---that is the thing that makes us humans so good at surviving.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


We have people griping about politicians trying to "give our money to people that aren't doing anything to earn it".  We have people griping about democrats trying to cancel student loans and make vaccines for the novel corona virus free to everyone.  We have people griping about homeless people making their towns look too ugly for tourists and griping about people trying to make them wear masks for a stinking "cold".

We have a lot of griping.

But what do we all have in common?

What do we have in common with our fellow countrymen (and women--for years, I thought that women were included in that, sort of like the editorial "we".)  

What do we all have in common with the people in other countries?

Life!  We are all alive.  We are all just trying to live our life; to survive as best we can.

And, we also share that with all the other mammals and birds and reptiles and amphibians and invertebrates and plants and fungus and bacteria and viruses.

Humans are not the only life.

We have been acting like we are the only life for several millennia, but acting is-well, it's acting.  Charlton Heston, Groucho Marx, Alanis Morrisette, George Burns and Morgan Freeman played God.  They were acting the part of God.  It didn't make them God.

And acting doesn't make us the only life.

Humans are just as dependent upon the other life on this planet as we are upon the sun.  

I remember a student in class arguing with the teacher about photosynthesis and plants and how important they are to human survival.  His stand was that they only ate meat and wonder bread.  His family was fine, so the teacher was wrong.  

Unfortunately, we have a lot of people with this attitude, or with the worse one, that God made all that other life for us to do with as we wished.  Some focus on good stewardship of the land, but seems to mean exploiting every plant, animal and mineral that can make our life easier.  

We spew insecticides, plastic waste, petroleum fumes, and manufacturing toxins into our air, land and water.  Destroying whole species while ignoring the plight of our poorer human lifeforms.  

And we gripe.

We gripe a lot.  

We ignore signs of intelligence and emotion in other lifeforms, thus making it easier to destroy them for profit.  It's like not naming our food but on a grander scale.

It's time for us to examine ourselves, not for signs of life, but for signs of humanity, of compassion, and humility.

We well-off Americans are not alone on the planet.  Everything is not ours to use.  

We can't survive without all of us, human, animal, plant.

But we can eliminate ourselves long before the sun goes out if we don't figure out what is actually important.  


Saturday, November 28, 2020

Trump sort of conceded.

His Tweet said "He won because the Election was Rigged. NO VOTE WATCHERS OR OBSERVERS allowed, vote tabulated by a Radical Left privately owned company, Dominion, with a bad reputation and bum equipment that couldn't even qualify for Texas (which I won by a lot!).  The Fake & Silent Media, & more!

OK, so he admitted Biden won, but only by cheating.

First.  Dominion voting systems were used in 24 states, 5 won by Biden, a sixth won by Biden was said to be Dominion by Trump, but was not. He is literally gaslighting.  

Second.  Poll watchers require education and advanced permission.  They were both allowed and present.  The "VOTE WATCHERS AND OBSERVERS"  that weren't allowed were the people that showed up en masse to crowd into polls to intimidate voters. Trump requested they do this, but it is illegal.

Third.  (From the texas elections site online.)

In Texas, you’ll vote on one of these systems.

The State of Texas has selected and certified voting systems from three different vendors: Election Systems & Software (ES&S), Hart InterCivic, and Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold, Inc.). Regardless of the system you’re using, know this: When voting in the Lone Star State, you count. Texas makes sure. Following are the voting systems certified for use in Texas. (You can click on the name of each voting system to go to the manufacturer’s product description page.)

From Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. (formerly Premier Elections and Diebold, Inc.)

From Election Systems & Software:

From Hart InterCivic:

Yep, one of the voting systems used in Texas is----Dominion.

Fourth.  Trump won in Texas by 5.75%, that is 647,282.  Texas has a lot of people.  He won, but nothing like Wyoming with a 43.66% victory (thanks to 12,000 more voters--when population is small, percents look bigger)

Texas used Dominion Voting Systems.

So after Thanksgiving, We are still hearing "fraud, rigged".  We are hearing "no way Biden got 80million votes."

Why couldn't he,  Trump got more this time than any previous election, and Biden got even more.  There are over 330 million people in this country.  70+80 is only 150 million people.  There are about 60 million people under 18. (So that accounts for 210 million.  There are about 22 million noncitizens in the country, so that makes 232 million.  So Biden could have had 170million votes and not been lying, cheating, or making stuff up.

It is hard to get your way your whole life and suddenly not get it.

Most of us dealt with that by age 3.

We don't need anymore spoiled little rich boys in our white house.  

He never even tried to represent the majority of us, just his fans and his donators.

He CAN never concede, it changes nothing.  But January 21st, we will be free of him.

May we never hear his name again.  (except in history classes about our worst President ever)

A toast to sanity.  Be Well.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Let's be a democracy!

 When it comes to voting for the leader of our country, let us be a true democracy.

It's time.

The founding fathers were plutocrats and didn't want ignorant peasants participating in the process.  Only the white, male and wealthy received an education.  Only the white and male and landowners could vote-- to exclude the uneducated white males from the equation. (great book--White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America)

It's why we have a representative democracy--the senate and house of representatives, and its why we have an Electoral College.  

One time, the Electoral College completely ignored the popular vote and put John Quincy Adams in the White House instead of the popular vote winner--Andrew Jackson.

John Quincy was not popular because he was not populist.

Andrew Jackson was the President after him, and he was a popular war hero and a man of the people with little to no formal education.  He was pro-slavery and gave us the "Trail of Tears".  He also gave us the Democratic Party. (remember, Lincoln was a Republican and Jackson started the Democrats--my oh my how things have changed) 

But enough about that.  

The Electoral College is now what determines the President.  Currently, when I vote for a president/vice president, I'm actually voting on my states electoral college representative.  That representative is expected to vote for the candidate that won the state.  My state has 7 electoral representatives.  It doesn't matter if the the winner of the state vote won by 1 vote, all 7 votes go to the same person.  So those that voted for a candidate that lost by one vote are silenced.  There is no apportioning and not districts, one state votes one way according to the number determined by the constitution. 

We have 7 because we have 2 Senators and 5 representatives.  The state determined that it was winner take all.  Nebraska has 2 senators and 3 representatives and has an 5 different possible votes-[Nebraska awards its electoral votes differently than most other states: Two electoral votes will be awarded to the statewide winner, and then one electoral vote will be awarded to the winner in each Congressional district in Nebraska (there are three).]

Colorado is currently seeking to have a state Popular Vote and because the constitution states this is a state function, they can do that.  I'm not sure how that works with the rest using electors.

When everyone gets to choose the President directly, that is being referred to as Popular Vote.  I prefer to call it a direct democracy.  I also think it would be very popular.  

Currently, every state gets 2 votes on top of their allotment based on population.  So Alaska, Montana,Wyoming,  North and South Dakota, DC, Vermont and Delaware should only get 1 vote while California, Texas and New York would get 53, 36 and 27.  The plus 2 increases the value of a vote in small states and decreases the value of the vote in large states.  Why should the vote of a person in one of the small states count three times while a person in california counts less than once.  

Why should a state with 45% Republicans, 15% independents and 40% Democrats be counted as all Republican?

Why did the strongest showing by a third party candidate, Ross Perot with 18.9% garner not one electoral vote?  Why has no third party candidate ever received an electoral vote?

I am One Person and I have One Vote.  My vote should count the same as every other person in the country.  

Every Citizen should be automatically registered to vote at 18.  And Yes, even those that went to Prison should be able to vote--even if they are still in prison.  Our system is so flawed that we allow those that have evaded criminal charges to vote but those that are paying or paid for their crimes are banned.

There should be nothing that should stop a person from being able to vote.  We need to make it automatically hooked to their Social Security number.

And, their needs to be an Amendment to the constitution that fixes all the pre-electricity, pre-internet, pre-public education, pre-abolition problems that led to the original method of voting for our President.  

The only time we have a national vote is when we vote for the President/Vice President.  That entire process needs to be addressed.  Primaries should not be held by parties but by ranked voting with all candidates in a single vote.  Let us Pick our Top Two.  That includes not just democrats and republicans in the same primary but also green party, democratic socialists, libertarians, and independents.  Our top two political parties are very over-empowered.

TOP TWO ranked voting with every person in every state's vote counting equally.

Then, after further campaigning, those top two candidates will be in a direct election with direct vote counting so that every vote is again equal.

Everyone in Wyoming is not a Republican.  Everyone in my state is not a Republican.  Everyone in California, New York and Texas is not a democrat.  

Everyone has an equal vote. 

Which brings us to Citizens United and Campaign Money.

Every Candidate should also have an equal chance.

My vote is not for sale.  So why are SuperPacs and big money donors trying to pay for the election of candidates.

Every primary candidate should be allowed so much money and airtime.  There should be no donated funds.  There should be total transparency about the funding and a single oversight entity that ensures the bookkeeping for all the candidates.

After the single primary election, the top two are provided with three debate opportunities, and funds to visit every state once plus free equal time on media.

That is it.  This endless fundraising is ridiculous and offensive.

Now Vote!

Monday, August 24, 2020

Everything the same.

Trump was supposedly elected because so many people wanted something new.  People wanted a successful businessman, not more politics.  People wanted change.  They wanted something different than the same old same old.

But did they really?

They wanted no more immigrants from our southern border. 

They wanted no more illegal immigrants coming up here with their gangs and drugs and sex workers, taking their jobs.

And, they were sick of phone calls from people with thick accents calling them, and physicians in the country that were obviously foreign and dark with accents that couldn't be christian, treating their diseases, and stinking black people working in their jobs and living in their neighborhoods.

So, did they really want a change?

Didn't they really want a return to a time when white people, even working class, drunk every Friday, church every Sunday, married to a woman that kept the house and watched the kids while the husband did his duty and made all the decisions, and periodically knocked some sense into anyone under him that got out of line, sound more like what they wanted?

Didn't they actually want 1955 without brown people?

About 3 percent of the US population is Buddhist, Muslim, or another religion like Sikkh, Zorastrian, where the  believers are labeled as "Caucasian" by race, but are brown by all appearances.  

Hispanics, currently pulled out as a group, are also, as a group, Caucasian unless the individual chooses another label.  Most Hispanics in the United States are not of JUST Spanish ancestry.  Hispanics make up about 18% of the U.S. population.

Asian Americans are about 6% of our country.  And while the college bound complain about having to compete with them, the urban complain about the gangs.  Still, they built a great railroad track, cook good food and give great massages and pedicures. Real 1955 Americans don't want to have to deal with them living in their neighborhood or dating their kids, either.

Actual Native North Americans make up about 1% of the population.  They are generally poor, prone to substance abuse, over-represented in the prisons, and while many 1955-lovers love them as sports mascots, none want them in the family---except as the ever-present great-great grandmother that was a Cherokee princess.  Some of those even have a roll number with benefits.  But they are so frequently blonde that no one treats them differently than the rest of those that yearn for 1955.  Bye DNA they are not more native than Elizabeth Warren--except for that roll number.  The Genocide was pretty much a success.

About 15% of our population has at least a drop of blood from Africa.  And, for 400 years, a drop was more than enough to make you black.  In 1955, those of African ancestry were invisible, and that might explain the use of prison to keep them out of sight now.  Unfortunately, the police just killing them for not being docile is getting some flack this millenia.  I'm surprised that the Make America Great Again crowd hasn't started shipping them back to Africa.  Of course, as a successful businessman, Trump didn't really compete at all with the Oprah Winfrey, rags to riches story.  If this was never about brown people, she might be doing a wonderful job as president without political ties.

But the change desired by those that voted in Trump was not a change at all.  It was a return to a time that was only good for a segment of society.

So that gives us about 33% of our population that needs to be invisible for a real return to 1955.

Other groups that don't fit:  

The 5% of the population that is LGBQT. (we are now at 38%)

Atheists and Agnostics--9% (we are now at 47%)

And the biggest group---those with relatives they love that are married to a person of another race or religion or have kids that are LGBQT or just figured out that having empathy for people makes 1955 a nasty time for too many people.

If the change you want is to return to the past, get some counseling.  You are both selfish and unrealistic.  I bet you love your cellphone and having 900 channels to watch.  Broaden you mind.  Learn about another culture---not just how to eat Chinese or Mexican food.  Read a holy book from another religion.  Talk to a person with brown skin that speaks with an accent about what they miss and why they came here.

And quit hating black people--they didn't come here on purpose, and we all share a lot of common ancestors--the ones you are most proud of are the ones they hate to think about.  But we share DNA.

You don't want change, you didn't vote for change, you voted to try to keep things the same.  

Try thinking outside that little box you live in.  

Saturday, July 18, 2020

John Lewis Died

I know very little about John Lewis.  He fought for Civil Rights--since before the 1960's.  He was quite a congressman fighting for his district and for all people.

The representatives in my state are nothing to write home about.

I know that the men and women that fought and fought hard to make this nation the nation that was promised in the constitution, are dying.

They are dying and they are leaving us to continue on.

There is an acting head of the department of homeland security, appointed without congressional approval or oversight, that has militarized warriors in large cities where their are protesters.  They are unidentified and uninvited by the cities they are in.  Rumor has it they are mercenaries supplied by Betsy Devos' brothers defense company.  They are taking protestors into custody.  No charges.  No crimes.  Releasing them with threats not to return to protesting.   And this is approved at the highest level.  I dare to guess that it was actually suggested by the current president.

The department of homeland security was created in 2002 in response to 9/11.

What happened on 9/11 was seen as the greatest affront to our nation since Pearl Harbor.

How many people died at Pearl Harbor during the attack?

The total number of military personnel killed was 2,335, including 2,008 navy personnel, 109 marines, and 218 army. Added to this were 68 civilians, making the total 2403 people dead. 1,177 were from the USS Arizona.

How many people died on 9/11/2001?

2,977 people died, and 19 hijackers committed murder/suicide, and more than 6,000 others were injured. The immediate deaths included 265 on the four planes (including the terrorists), 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon.

Both events cost the lives of less than 3,000 people.  On the date I write this, over 140,000 Americans have died of Covid-19 since the beginning of the year.
I'm telling you that, for a little perspective, as its a virus, not a shootable enemy.

Our own Civil war cost us between 640,000 and 700,000 lives.  War was in our fields and in our streets.  People in uniform were shooting each other.  People in uniform were shooting people not in uniform.  People were starving in prison camps.  People were freezing at campsites.  People were dying of wounds and dying of disease and of hate.

And all to stop the ownership of one person by another.  Most of those fighting didn't have actual skin in the game.

The black men that joined did, the rest were just doing what we regular folks do, following.

Slavery did not benefit poor white men in the south.  The enslaved men were very frequently better builders and farmers and blacksmiths.  The skilled jobs were actually being done for the cost of buying a person and providing just enough to get the owner's their moneys worth.  The poor white men might be hired for things like overseer, but usually they struggled along on small and unattractive plots of land trying to feed their family.  Apparently, all they had to look forward to was feeling superior to the people that weren't free.

The North, where slavery was already illegal, as much because the north recognized that free labor made it hard for poor whites to make a living, as for the ideal of religious right and our constitutional rights, went to war, because they were called to join as the south had seceded.  The southerners were oath breakers.  And, it's still what regular folks do.

War! War is mostly a stupid answer to a simple question.

The Golden Rule, a simple thing found by some name in every Religion and every philosophy, guaranteed that with a little thought, they all knew owning other people was wrong. They knew they didn't want to be owned.

A 4 year old could have told them that.

We currently have protestors in the streets supporting "Black Lives Matter".  It's all about the idea, so crazy, I know, that Police shooting black people for not moving fast enough when they are told to, not staying out of white neighborhoods, even when they live there, not holding toy guns when they are children, is wrong.

That same generic 4 year old would agree with them.

But now, we have a militarized federal government organization ignoring all the laws governing this land to stop protests.

They did that at Guantanamo, waterboarding and imprisoning people with no charges filed, no judge and jury.

So now, we are going to do it where we live, on our streets, stopping our rights to protest, stopping our rights to assemble, ignoring our rights to remain free without charges being filed.

Our own police are all for that.  They hate BLM; too many of our men in blue are only loyal to the blue, far too many, are also loyal to the white.  Plus, for some reason, our police, instead of just joining the military, decided they wanted to be military-like with their fellow citizens.  We appear to be in a modern war.

no nation can maintain its freedom in the midst of continuous warfare.” said President Eisenhower, our last General turned POTUS.  "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."

Yet, here we are.  Our nation has the largest military-industrial complex in the world.  We spend more than any other nation.  We spend more than the total of the next 6 high spenders.  Our Country truly has the ability to destroy the world.

And our current POTUS, a man of limited self-restraint, is the Chief of that monster.  The military currently leading us at the Pentagon has repeatedly refused to commit acts of war on our own citizens.  But this POTUS loves to fire those that don't do what he says.  He keeps going down the hierarchy till he finds someone that either agrees with him, or would love to be famous.

Now, our 18 year old DHS is acting every bit the adolescent that it is.
Shades of Kristallnacht, Gestapo, Putin's KGB, North Korea's Ministry of Social Security.  


It got bad in 4 years.
Trump hates brown people like Hitler hated Jews.
There are still children in cages that our country took away from their parents.
DHS is in urban camo and military gear throwing BLM protestors into rented minivans.

At least 35% of the people are still loving them some Trump.

John Lewis fought for at least 60 years and died at 80, the fight unfinished.

Put your flags at half-mast.  We are a nation in peril.

Register to Vote.
Wear your mask.
Social Distance.
And turn that phone into a video recorder if you see something going down.  Be a witness for the soul of our country.  Figure out how to live stream ASAP so you are prepared.

If we all fought like John Lewis, maybe those 4 year olds won't have to turn into 14 year olds that have figured out we are all hypocrites.

And remember, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Poverty, so many lives lost, yet it is the web that creates everything we want to change.

Below are links to tables and graphs showing poverty levels, by state, by year, by race, by ethnic group, by age.  It's been tracked and study ad nauseum.,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D

We have a beautiful statue in a harbor--Lady Liberty--“Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses.”, a gift from France in celebration of our first 100 years as a nation.  A And the poor came to us, the tired from war and oppression came to us, the hopeless came to us----and we gave them---poverty.

I hear you arguing, telling me, they just have to work hard, they just have to improve themselves.  We are all equal.  We all have the same opportunities.

Do you really believe that?

  • Do the children in Flint Michigan( and we don't know how many Flint Michigans actually exist in this country, we don't check and if we find out, we don't tell) whose brains were poisoned by lead due to a government that failed to provide the same quality of water to the poor cities as the wealthy neighborhoods, ever have equal opportunity?  
  • Do the children receiving the shitty serving of funds for their schools because the land surrounding their home is cheap have the same opportunity as the upper middle class neighborhoods that get the best of everything due to the high property taxes in that area?  (Nevermind the rich sending their children to $45,000 a year elementary schools and hiring masters prepared tutors if the kiddies don't get it)
  • Do the children that spent the night cowering in their room while the police breakdown the doors of their neighbors, go to school the next day as well prepared as the child that went to school after a peaceful night in a house that doesn't know the sound of violence and fear.
  • All people born into bondage were born into poverty.  Freedom and human rights must be present for a person to not be living in poverty.
  • All people living in circumstances in which their children are forced into schools whose sole purpose is to remove any trace of their birth culture are born into poverty.  The many nations of people that were not exterminated by our government's goal of "Manifest Destiny", were impoverished by the forced relocation to reservations on poor land and the use of education to kill their native languages and destroy their crafts, rituals, and beliefs.
  • All immigrants that were brought here, not for their own good but for their use by those wealthy businessmen that wanted to run a bigger plantation, a cheaper farm, a faster track for the railroad, were delivered, not into the land of opportunity, but into the land of poverty.
  • Every immigrant group that left a place of persecution, violence and war in which they sided with the "losers",  entered this nation to live in a state of poverty.  From the Bond servants from Europe, to those escaping the famine of Ireland, to the Hmong that fought with us in Vietnam to the Central Americans that came up to escape the gangs that were birthed in the United States, then sent back home to ravage the places they had lived in before.  
  • And let us not forget those who were born of parents that suffered addiction, born of parents without education--for whatever reason,  born of parents labeled "Convict", born of parent with untreated mental illness.  
There is a lot of information to study and ponder in those few links, but to understand poverty, you must either live in it, through it, or up against it.  To help you see the difference between the sadly tragic effects of poverty as seen in graphs and numbers, you must see people.  Individuals that, for whatever reason, are living in poverty, have a very different view of life than a person born into and raised in a stable home where at least one parent had a well-paying job that they were secure in and at least one parent that was capable of caring for the child(ren) in a way that was both nurturing and protective.  There have been people that were born into poverty as long as the United States has been a nation.  But what are the components of poverty?

  • A daily struggle to insure everyone in the household eats enough that their stomach isn't growling all night.
  • Making decisions like--do we get gasoline to go to work or pay the water bill this month.  (and on time!!! those late fees eat up the grocery money)
  • No one in the family ever seeing a physician except in the emergency room---even if you qualify for medicaid, the physicians don't make appointments for the same month you call, the docs are paid in a capitated manner and making too many low pay appointments a month costs the Doctor money.
  • Finding housing that is affordable but in a safe place.  You can get cheaper out in the rural areas, but no work and you need a dependable car as many rural areas have a central grocery store 10 to 50 miles away.  The suburbs have nothing affordable unless you qualify for section 8 housing and may take years and years on a long waiting list.  The urban areas have plenty, but it ranges from apartments with so many people in poverty they smell like desperation and a new pair of shoes can get you killed as everyone wants a new pair of shoes.  Don't judge---how many pair of shoes did you buy last year.  A new pair of shoes should not be an unaffordable luxury.  The other option is the currently-heading-down neighborhoods full of old and unmaintained homes---the final step before gentrification is the buying up of those houses to rent out, by people looking to make a profit.  The buyers don't even clean them out before renting them, forget fixing roofs, heaters, windows.  And they still rent at twice the price of a mortgage payment for the amount paid for the house, but people with credit don't want to live there---too many poor people renting nearby.
  • Transportation--to work, to grocery stores, to schools, to medical care---poverty lives in food deserts, the clinics in walking distance are frequently less than wonderful, the schools are in areas where the property taxes are low so their funding is also low. 
  • Childcare in a qualified preschool is not within range by distance or by cost.  When you live in poverty, you aren't donating thousands to the best prep schools trying to guarantee your child a place, you are trying to find a person nearby that will watch them for an hour or 8 hours for a low price or as a trade off.  Predators, both for financial and sexual reasons are known to volunteer to watch your kids, but you have no internet access so just think they  really love kids.  Or, you are scared, lock the kid in the house/apt while you go to the store, the job, or whatever else you can't live without for a while.  Five year-olds in charge of three year-olds and babies are not well cared for.  Before you call them skanky parents, what was the longest you set in your house with just the kids and no other person.  Poverty doesn't really allow for play dates and mother's day out.
  • Now, lets touch on the complications that make it so hard for people in poverty to get out of poverty:  born into poverty, born to parents with addictions, to parents that were raised in our wonderful foster child system--not always the best, but no adult family when at 18 you are suddenly all on your own, raised by poorly educated parents or foster parents and getting your own poor education---while your stomach rumbled and your mind was focused on walking home past whatever predators awaited you, taught by teachers that mean well but have no idea why you can't just do your homework, bring your school supplies, show up clean and on time,  kids that have PTSD from things like witnessing violence or being the victim of violence and peer pressure to try this, try that, wear this, get that---but with no money.  
  • Children raised in poverty do not see their parents struggling to get by as a role model to follow.  They love their parents; in jail, hustling for money, lying to the kids about what they are doing to make more money, but they don't want to be them.  So who do they try to emulate?  Who in the area has the money? the power?  Yes, in poverty, the heads of the gangs, crime lords, and the rare athlete or performer that comes home in a shiny car to move mom out, that is the hero.  That is who they want to be.  But being born with exceptional talent is not something you can emulate.  Neither can you get that lucky break that everyone of them got, noticed by the right person at the right time; just by wishing on a star.  Hollywood is full of young people trying to do exactly that, they are currently couch surfing or living in a car, or under bridges, waiting tables, or strolling on a corner, just waiting to be noticed.
Can this cycle be stopped?  Of course it can.  
Basic income for everyone would be a start.
Schools all subsidized at the state level, not based on local property taxes, would help, as would every student having an individualized education plan that allowed each to learn at their own speed and to their own ability. 
We will not all be Rhodes Scholars  and College bound, but the bright poor person should be able to go to college without a parental payout of 20-100 thousand a year.  We all should.  College is not just about tuition, but also books and a place to live and food to eat---without leaving school owing half a million dollars before even getting a job.  
All fulltime jobs should pay more than the individual poverty level where the job exists.(be assured, poverty level in podunk, mid-america is not the same as the poverty level in metropolitan coast city.)  If the company owner can't afford that, they should go do that job themselves---they are not yet a nonworking business owner.  And, if the job is  more than 3 days, its full-time.  Wait staff needs pay, not tips.  Pay your employees;  they didn't show up on their own hoping to make some money doing for the rich.(how feudal is that old system)  If you need part time, it needs to provide prorated benefits and hours so the person can work a second job without 24 hour days.
Childcare needs to be part of work benefits, paid sick time and maternity leave for both parents needs to be paid, mothers and fathers need a chance to bond with their new offspring. 
And Convicts need to be trained in prison for real jobs with halfway houses and jobs arranged with social workers not just parole officers that only care about drug use and violations.  If you want them permanently destroyed by their prison time, then just leave them in for life.  AND NO MORE SLAVE LABOR OR FOR PROFIT PRISONS.  NO MORE INMATE QUOTAS or even traffic stop quotas.  Crime is not our money maker.
Legalize Drugs, fix it where the supply is only through legal channels and affordable to the poor addict as well as the wealthy .  Alcohol is legal so bootlegging is way down, do the same with everything, including the stuff that the addicts need, free clinics for addicts, daily meds, combine it with the meds for mental illness, and free treatment for addiction recovery and mental illness without the nasty looks from those treating them.  Get rid of the money in the Crime syndicates and the motivation for selling drugs goes away.  Same happens with sex trafficking and weapons.

Poverty is not a birthright and it is not a punishment from god.  Our own capitalism and favoritism toward the wealthy creates this ongoing problem.  We have a 20% poverty level.  We are the richest country in the world.  If northern Europe can figure it out, we can too.  
Looking down at people worse off than you are is not really that important to your well-being.  Our own history created those in poverty.  What we do next needs to end that.  

Sunday, July 5, 2020

July 5th--return to Manifest Destiny? or perhaps instead a return to the Ideal of our constitution

“This movement is openly attacking the legacies of every person on Mount Rushmore,” Trump said. He lamented “cancel culture” and charged that some on the political left hope to “defame our heroes, erase our values and indoctrinate our children.” He said Americans should speak proudly of their heritage and shouldn’t have to apologize for its history.
Proud words.  Sounds like the "Proud Boys".
These words were said at Mount Rushmore by the sitting POTUS before a maskless crowd of 7500 people with no room for social distancing.  The chairs were zip-tied together to prevent moving them apart, during a pandemic that has already killed over 130,000 people.  

The Lakota people were protesting the desecration of their sacred land, stolen from them, then used to place the faces of the leaders of the country that pushed them out of the treatied land with a final battle at Wounded Knee in 1890.  

"Although Mount Rushmore was constructed with the intention of symbolizing "the triumph of modern society and democracy", for the original land occupants, the Lakota Sioux, the monument embodies a story of "struggle and desecration". The U.S. Government promised the Sioux territory, including the perpetuity of the Black Hills in the Treaty of 1868. That lasted only until the discovery of gold on the land and soon after white settlers migrated to the area in the 1870s." 

Manifest Destiny was the popular belief that any land coveted by Euro-Americans was, by providence, rightfully theirs for the taking.  It was an absolution for stealing land and killing the people and cultures that had inhabited it before they wanted it.  It was "GOD'S PLAN".

Apparently, God likes white people more.  God Plays favorites.  God is all about making white people rich and powerful at the expense of brown and black people.

How big of hypocrite do you have to be to believe that.  Sounds a lot like a televangelist requesting the last dime of poor people for seed faith---The mustard seed is all about a cash return.

So, who are our heroes that the protestors are defaming and what values are they erasing?

Right now, the protests are against the murder of unarmed, uncharged, and unjudged black and brown people by the very people our taxes are paying to protect us all.  During this, the statues of confederate generals have come under attack.  Statues placed in places that never saw that general and never fought for the confederacy.  Places that were not even states before 1865 have statues commemorating these men because 50 years after the war was lost by the confederacy, the Daughters of the Confederacy, in an effort to maintain a racial hierarchy all over the country, gathered money and paid to place these statues as a reminder.  It was just another foot on the head of our citizens with African ancestry.  

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”,are%20Life%2C%20Liberty%2C%20and%20the%20pursuit%20of%20Happiness.

All men, and while we have no equal rights for women in the constitution, I take the editorial we, as in, humans, all humans.

No Where Does It say "white men", or "except brown people", or "if their ancestors came from Europe"

And all the government's powers are derived from the consent of the governed.

The American people celebrated their Independence from a a tyrant in 1776.  The American people includes a rainbow of people, a multiverse of cultures, a plethora of beliefs.

What we all share is a vision of a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not just for the rich, not just for the white, not just for the male or the protestant.


Monday, June 1, 2020

Black LIves Matter 2.0

I'm recycling this, as it came at a time not unlike where we are this week.  The aftermath led to a year of my sister and I barely speaking.  If you have family that are Police Officers, I hope they are good ones and that you don't think you have to choose to be OK with dead black people out of loyalty.
Black Lives Matter;  "All lives Matter", "Police (blue) lives Matter".  The latter two became the response, usually shouted back at those supporting the BLM movement.

How does responding to the "Black Lives Matter" activism with "all lives matter" or "Police lives Matter" and even the photo of the police officer walking up in the mirror of a car that says "his life matters" create a hostile response?

The Black Lives Matter" movement  was started  in 2012 after a man shot and killed an unarmed black teenager and was acquitted due to Florida's "Stand you Ground" law. Stand your ground, apparently even in a public place that you both have an equal right to be in. The man that did the shooting, George Zimmerman, 
was a part of the local police's neighborhood watch group.  (see link for more details).  He since went on to be the subject of more criminal behavior--but who could have guessed that would happen(🙄🙄🙄)

 After the acquittal, Alicia Garza is credited as having inspired the slogan when  she posted on Facebook: "Black people. I love you. I love us. Our lives matter, Black Lives Matter."

I can hear the tone of what she wrote.  It is not a tone that says "we matter more", but one that says,"what happened was not ok, it is not ok to kill us, we are people too and our lives are as important as everyone else's."

When the "Black Lives Matter" activists started appearing at the places in which black people were killed or maimed for reasons that few nonblack persons would find believable and no rich, white person would face, protesters began the "all lives matter" slogan.  It was a response to the original cause; a way of saying "hey, we all matter, you have nothing to complain about."  It probably made the nonblack people shouting think they were being colorblind, when, in fact, it proved they were merely blind to institutional racism.

If you have never been stopped for being in a car because you look too ethnic for the neighborhood or been treated with disrespect because the person that pulled you over feels that they can talk to you like you did something horrible--drugs, alcohol, shot someone--but the pull over was for forgetting to put the sticker on you license tag; if you have never had to warn you teenage children  to not do anything in their car that might get them beat in the head or thrown to the ground,  then you really don't have a clue what it means to be black person in a country that is pseudo-colorblind.

But the third protest cry--" Police Lives Matter".  That is pure denial.  The NYPD officers that started selling the t-shirts that say that said it was in response to growing lack of respect for police and "people don't appreciate us the way they should"

My response to that is:
1. Respect is earned by individuals not given to a group because of their membership in that group.  You have a career.  If you act in a professional manner, people will show you respect.  If you act like your uniform entitles you to cuss people out, hit them, shove them, belittle them and treat them as lesser creatures than yourself, you deserve NO respect.
2.  Appreciation is also earned.  We agree to work for money and benefits.  If you want appreciation in addition to that, do appreciably more than the job calls for.  We all have jobs.  "Should" is a word used by truculent tweens.

Lets look at statistics.
Using the FBI reporting, between 1980 and 2014 the average number of felonious Police Officer deaths was 64 per year.  This was for the 50 states plus the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.
In 2003 the number of deaths was 52.
In 2008 it was 41.
In 2011 it was 72. (the only year in the recent that was above the average.
In 2012, after the beginning of "Black Lives Matters", there were 48 Felonious Officer deaths--44 by gun, 2 by vehicle and 1 with bare hands/feet, and 1 with a knife.
That is national over a year.  We have lost 100,000 in three months to a virus in 2020)
In 2013 there were 27 felonious Officer Deaths, (new group--7 by ambush--no warning) 26 with guns, 1 by vehicle, (25 of the killers are already arrested or dead).
In 2014 there were 51 felonious Officer Deaths, (8 by ambush) 46 by gun, 4 by vehicle, 1 by bare hands, (All killers already arrested or dead)
The 2015 numbers from the FBI are not yet available, but if you search for the 2015 Officer deaths, you will pull up a string of media sites discussing recent years of spiking  officer deaths.  (We have not seen a year over the average since 2011).  In 2018, there were 53 shot and 2 beaten to death, so the number has not grown in the last few years.

The FBI did not put any statistics about the killers so it is unknown what their race, age, culture, or even sex was.

It is harder to track the killing of unarmed black men, unarmed men, or unarmed people of any kind.
There is no government function that tracks the excessive use of force by local police.  Since BLM began, they have been seeking a national tracking of this but for some reason, probably the same reason the CDC is not allowed to study gun violence, it is not allowed.
Most of us didn't know we weren't tracking police caused deaths until the death of Michael Brown.
If you do an internet search, you will find this:

There are many more articles available now.

In my own county, an unarmed man was killed on video by a favored (read wealthy and contributing) volunteer to the sheriffs department.  The petitions that were passed around and signed by enough people to lead us to a sheriffs election this year, were carried by people of all backgrounds, races, and ethnicities.  The Sheriff was replaced and the volunteer was found guilty of manslaughter and received a sentence of 4 years.  He would be out by now.
That same year, 2016, a Tulsa police officer shot an unarmed black man, it was captured by helicopter, with sound, the video is still to be found, but when it first happened, the one that went out made it obvious she was in no danger.  She was fired, acquitted, and promptly got a job with a police department 20 miles away---training their officers.

So what is my point?  Here are a couple of stories about police shootings.

If you dig around in these stories, you find things like--
"Officer and his father and cousin shot when at a private residence, 3 people tried to steal a motorcycle and the police family started shooting, off-duty--over a motorcycle--over a motorcycle.  If a nonpolice victim and had done the same, they would have spent months trying to figure out who of the 6 involved in the shoot-out should be charged.

Black officer in plainclothes chasing hispanic suspect shot at 6 times---wait for it--by white office in squad car that passed the chase and made assumptions.  Lucky for Mr White Officer, he was cleared and is now a sergeant.

Officer C. Kondek, in Florida, shot and then run over by Marco Antonio Parilla, an hispanic 23 year old, out on probation for drugs and leaving the site of a crash, someone called in a loud music complaint, he was afraid of a probation infraction, scared of jail, so he shot the officer then ran him over--so the prison he was so afraid of is now to be the rest of his life.   2 lives ruined--not counting the families that have to figure out how to put all that into their memory banks without being rather crazy at the end.

But don't misread me.

None of the officers deserved to die.

Not one person has celebrated the death of any officer. (short of one song from 1992--and when you listen to the lyrics, you realize it was the angry rantings of people that had been mistreated by the LAPD when the LAPD was at its most over the top.   (Rodney King) That was it.)
No one is currently saying anyone should do anything to police officers.

The number of Officer deaths is not up.

And no one has ever been shot by an unarmed black man.

So, yes, all lives matter, but for a lot of people, that is not an expression of a new idea.

The next time you hear "black lives matter", just join them, say it back, chant it with them.

or just be quiet.
Now, a little rap about it all.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Living in a Binary World (or how to talk yourself off a cliff)

There is a common theme out there these days.  Or perhaps 2 themes would be more accurate.
There are the "anyone else have a panic attack just thinking about going out in public right now," and the "why is anyone staying home or wearing a mask when they leave, the pansies".
These two groups are pretty much in hate with each other.
These two groups are not the answer to anything.

I've been living in a binary world for most of my adult life.
It prevents panic attacks
It prevents stupid choices.

You just have to ask the right questions.
Such as:
If I don't have to go out in public?
a. I can stay home--I have plenty of projects, entertaining tech and chores, not to mention food.
b. I can go out in public for whatever I don't have.
If I go out in public wearing a mask, what is the worst that can happen?
a.  Somebody makes fun of me.
b. Nothing happens.
If I go out in public without a mask, what is the worst that can happen?
a. I catch the new novel SARS virus.
b. Nothing happens.
If I catch Covid-19, what is the worst that can happen?
a. I get sick and unwittingly expose my family to the virus during the incubation period.
b. I don't get sick, but unwittingly expose my family to the virus during the incubation period.
If I get so sick I need a ventilator?
a. I die.
b. I don't die but have all the side effects of being on a ventilator for a while plus a huge bill.
If I Die?
a.  I've already paid for the cremation and niche so no worries.
b.  Even if it isn't all handled, I'm dead and we all die sometime.

I've used this method of self-talk for years to keep from suffering escalating anxiety and panic attacks.
It works great.
It also makes it obvious that the social distancing and wearing a mask is the cheapest and easiest choice.

Neither the people with new-onset agoraphobia or the folks making fun of anyone taking any precautions are exhibiting good thinking skills.

They are what we have.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Positive effects of sheltering at home

While I know a few people that are ignoring all instructions, and a few people that are fighting it with all their being while recognizing that if the store says mask, wear a mask or if work said to work from home, do so.

I've also met a few that are loving it.  Perhaps that is too strong.

They are recognizing the effects of increased family time.

They are getting to know their kids and spouse.

They are having family movie times and board games and hikes as a family with instructions to not get into other people's spaces.

They are teaching tweens to cook and do lawn care.

They are interacting more and running around less.

It's rather nice.

As long as they still have income and food and utilities and a place to live, it's nice.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Conspicuous Consumption

I live in a state where an Oil boom came right on the coat tails of a land run and statehood.
This created a large number of OIL BARONS at a time when the industrial age was changing us from a agrarian nation to one of industries, factories, and Laissez-faire capitalism.   We had steel barons and mining barons and cotton and cattle and lumber barons.  And in each place that a single man or family dominated that industry in a place, we ended up with a monstrous, castle-like home and a group of larger and more ornate homes that belonged to any others profiting well from parts of that particular area's natural resources and a whole bunch of worker homes--houses both smaller and plainer and and more cheaply made.  
The neighborhood in the city where this oil boom centered (oil capital of the world for years) was a absolutely beautiful area of well-made homes, that between 1912 and 1932 was the home of the richest of the oil and banking world that grew up from the oil boom.

It contained 700 homes.

Today, they are protected as an historical area and range from 1,000 square feet for a couple of hundred thousand dollars to 10,000 square feet for several million dollars.  Not bad in the USA, but, a house in this area that is the the same age is closer to $50 to $150 thousand if in a  traditional worker neighborhood about 5 miles away--depending on size ranging from 1000 to 2000 square foot and how badly it is falling apart. 

One thing has always been true---people buy the best house they can, but if they don't stay healthy and working, they can't pay to maintain it.

The old Barons of industry have now become Wall Street warlords and Bankers and retail magnates and Tech billionaires and in my state at least , still quite a few oil men.  (don't scoff--it's keeping Saudi Arabian royals richer than god.

The newer neighborhoods they have created are even more opulent than the old.

The people working for them that are making better money have enough for cookie cutter McMansions on postage stamp lots.  Their homes costing a quarter of million to get a lot and put up a house (in about a month) that has a lot of covenants and a mandatory home owners association to prevent the rapid decline of the area---or not.  These neighborhoods, planned and thrown up tend to start looking dated and deteriorating in less than 20 years.
The less well paid get to go buy or rent the worker homes constructed over the last hundred years and either live in it till it falls down or spend their spare time trying to maintain it.  Workers are people too.

So why does a family of four need to get a 3 bedroom home unless they are rich, in which case they need multiple homes with enough rooms that they might never make it into some of those rooms during a week, or a month, or a year.  Why do some people have to have a car that cost $100,000 dollars or more when most people drive everywhere they need to go in a car that cost less than $30,000.  Why are there $10 t-shirts and $1,000 dollar t-shirts, $20 dollar shoes and $10,000 dollar shoes, and diamond rings from a few hundred to millions.


We know that the value of a thing is determined by how much someone is willing to pay for it. 

I prefer an economical car to an economy car, well made jeans to badly made jeans, shoes with good support more than shoes so flimsy they fall apart.

But truly, explain conspicuous consumption.  Explain buying something because everyone knows its higher than it should be just be, so most can't afford it. 

How tragically superficially can we be.

Saturday, April 18, 2020


If you don't know this word, neither did I.  I've been saving cool words on pinterest for multiple reasons, and this one means excess: overabundance.


I immediately thought of billionaires.

I also thought of income inequality.  is a good site to peruse for who is and isn't a billionaire.  If you aren't on it, well, welcome to the world most of us live in.

Right now, you have to have at least 4.72 billion to be on the Fortune 400 list.
Donald Trump is now about 700 down on the list, so not even in the top 500 which you need over 3 billion to be on.  He is worth about 2 billion now.

A billion is 1,000,000,000.  Just 9 little zeros.  A billion doesn't even get you one the lists.

Our current deficit is over 984,000,000,000.  9 little zeros again, but so much bigger a number. 
1.426 trillion is our current budget for the year.

327.17 million is our current population.

  That is $435,859.03 per man, woman, and child in this country.

The average male annual salary is over 90,000/year.  The average female  annual salary is under 70,000/year.  That is average.  Average being you take all the salaries in the USA, add them together and divide by the total number of salaries paid out.  

The median US salary is under $65,000/year.  The median is the number in which 50% make more and 50% make less.  

The difference between those two has to do with how much a very few people make while a whole lot of people make very little.

While less than 12% of the population lives under the poverty level, only 8% makes over $200,000/year.  
For many couples making $100,000 to $200,000 a year, they know how far from unlimited wealth they have.  
But, if you are a couple where both have minimum wage jobs, that couple with $150,000/year seems rich.  
That minimum wage couple is making less than $32,000/year.  Hopefully, they have no kids or other dependents or are living in a place with very low cost of living.

Neither of these couples' lifestyles have anything in common with the people with billions.  They don't even have anything in common with people making $435,859 dollars a year, yet that is what we have budgeted for our country.

So, back to NIMIETY.

What do billionaires do with all that?

Buy a plethora of houses?
Eat like gluttons?
Have overflowing savings accounts?  Overflowing closets of designer clothes?
Is there lifestyle overkill?
Do they waste overmuch?
Do they oversupply their children with every toy, trinket and vacation?

You get the drift.

My biggest question is---why is so much in the hands of the few.  Why isn't every employee they have at least well off?


If this word describes you, you might be a selfish, greedy, ungrateful, unsharing twit.  No one has ever made that kind of money alone.  NO ONE.


The United States has changed a lot since it's birth in 1776, but even before it declared it's independence, it started the the post...