Monday, August 24, 2020

Everything the same.

Trump was supposedly elected because so many people wanted something new.  People wanted a successful businessman, not more politics.  People wanted change.  They wanted something different than the same old same old.

But did they really?

They wanted no more immigrants from our southern border. 

They wanted no more illegal immigrants coming up here with their gangs and drugs and sex workers, taking their jobs.

And, they were sick of phone calls from people with thick accents calling them, and physicians in the country that were obviously foreign and dark with accents that couldn't be christian, treating their diseases, and stinking black people working in their jobs and living in their neighborhoods.

So, did they really want a change?

Didn't they really want a return to a time when white people, even working class, drunk every Friday, church every Sunday, married to a woman that kept the house and watched the kids while the husband did his duty and made all the decisions, and periodically knocked some sense into anyone under him that got out of line, sound more like what they wanted?

Didn't they actually want 1955 without brown people?

About 3 percent of the US population is Buddhist, Muslim, or another religion like Sikkh, Zorastrian, where the  believers are labeled as "Caucasian" by race, but are brown by all appearances.  

Hispanics, currently pulled out as a group, are also, as a group, Caucasian unless the individual chooses another label.  Most Hispanics in the United States are not of JUST Spanish ancestry.  Hispanics make up about 18% of the U.S. population.

Asian Americans are about 6% of our country.  And while the college bound complain about having to compete with them, the urban complain about the gangs.  Still, they built a great railroad track, cook good food and give great massages and pedicures. Real 1955 Americans don't want to have to deal with them living in their neighborhood or dating their kids, either.

Actual Native North Americans make up about 1% of the population.  They are generally poor, prone to substance abuse, over-represented in the prisons, and while many 1955-lovers love them as sports mascots, none want them in the family---except as the ever-present great-great grandmother that was a Cherokee princess.  Some of those even have a roll number with benefits.  But they are so frequently blonde that no one treats them differently than the rest of those that yearn for 1955.  Bye DNA they are not more native than Elizabeth Warren--except for that roll number.  The Genocide was pretty much a success.

About 15% of our population has at least a drop of blood from Africa.  And, for 400 years, a drop was more than enough to make you black.  In 1955, those of African ancestry were invisible, and that might explain the use of prison to keep them out of sight now.  Unfortunately, the police just killing them for not being docile is getting some flack this millenia.  I'm surprised that the Make America Great Again crowd hasn't started shipping them back to Africa.  Of course, as a successful businessman, Trump didn't really compete at all with the Oprah Winfrey, rags to riches story.  If this was never about brown people, she might be doing a wonderful job as president without political ties.

But the change desired by those that voted in Trump was not a change at all.  It was a return to a time that was only good for a segment of society.

So that gives us about 33% of our population that needs to be invisible for a real return to 1955.

Other groups that don't fit:  

The 5% of the population that is LGBQT. (we are now at 38%)

Atheists and Agnostics--9% (we are now at 47%)

And the biggest group---those with relatives they love that are married to a person of another race or religion or have kids that are LGBQT or just figured out that having empathy for people makes 1955 a nasty time for too many people.

If the change you want is to return to the past, get some counseling.  You are both selfish and unrealistic.  I bet you love your cellphone and having 900 channels to watch.  Broaden you mind.  Learn about another culture---not just how to eat Chinese or Mexican food.  Read a holy book from another religion.  Talk to a person with brown skin that speaks with an accent about what they miss and why they came here.

And quit hating black people--they didn't come here on purpose, and we all share a lot of common ancestors--the ones you are most proud of are the ones they hate to think about.  But we share DNA.

You don't want change, you didn't vote for change, you voted to try to keep things the same.  

Try thinking outside that little box you live in.  

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The United States has changed a lot since it's birth in 1776, but even before it declared it's independence, it started the the post...