Saturday, April 18, 2020


If you don't know this word, neither did I.  I've been saving cool words on pinterest for multiple reasons, and this one means excess: overabundance.


I immediately thought of billionaires.

I also thought of income inequality.  is a good site to peruse for who is and isn't a billionaire.  If you aren't on it, well, welcome to the world most of us live in.

Right now, you have to have at least 4.72 billion to be on the Fortune 400 list.
Donald Trump is now about 700 down on the list, so not even in the top 500 which you need over 3 billion to be on.  He is worth about 2 billion now.

A billion is 1,000,000,000.  Just 9 little zeros.  A billion doesn't even get you one the lists.

Our current deficit is over 984,000,000,000.  9 little zeros again, but so much bigger a number. 
1.426 trillion is our current budget for the year.

327.17 million is our current population.

  That is $435,859.03 per man, woman, and child in this country.

The average male annual salary is over 90,000/year.  The average female  annual salary is under 70,000/year.  That is average.  Average being you take all the salaries in the USA, add them together and divide by the total number of salaries paid out.  

The median US salary is under $65,000/year.  The median is the number in which 50% make more and 50% make less.  

The difference between those two has to do with how much a very few people make while a whole lot of people make very little.

While less than 12% of the population lives under the poverty level, only 8% makes over $200,000/year.  
For many couples making $100,000 to $200,000 a year, they know how far from unlimited wealth they have.  
But, if you are a couple where both have minimum wage jobs, that couple with $150,000/year seems rich.  
That minimum wage couple is making less than $32,000/year.  Hopefully, they have no kids or other dependents or are living in a place with very low cost of living.

Neither of these couples' lifestyles have anything in common with the people with billions.  They don't even have anything in common with people making $435,859 dollars a year, yet that is what we have budgeted for our country.

So, back to NIMIETY.

What do billionaires do with all that?

Buy a plethora of houses?
Eat like gluttons?
Have overflowing savings accounts?  Overflowing closets of designer clothes?
Is there lifestyle overkill?
Do they waste overmuch?
Do they oversupply their children with every toy, trinket and vacation?

You get the drift.

My biggest question is---why is so much in the hands of the few.  Why isn't every employee they have at least well off?


If this word describes you, you might be a selfish, greedy, ungrateful, unsharing twit.  No one has ever made that kind of money alone.  NO ONE.

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