Saturday, April 18, 2020

Dreaming during Covid-19

I don't know about anyone else, but my dream life has gotten bigger and weirder lately.

It might be the increased sleeping, as I really have nothing to make me get up earlier. 

It might be the insidious anxiety that I completely pretend not to have because there is a 97% chance I'll be fine and even better that my children and grandchildren will also be fine.  But.....

It might be the paranoia about Trump/GOP hiding the things they are doing behind a smoke screen of COVID-19 media blitzes.

It might be the butternut soup or spinach enchiladas or german chocolate cake I ate before bed--shades of Scrooge.

Both my granddaughter and sister have complained of weird dreams lately.

So---Is it just us?  Is anyone else out there having a more vivid dream life than real life?

I spent hours wandering around a mall-like hospital, only to finally find my way back to my own office and discover my cats were under the desk, and though still alive, starting to shrivel like little kitten mummies while meowing at me.  I was with my favorite coworker.

I've been retired for 2 years.

My cats are grown, fat, and never went to work either as kittens or grown cats.

I have never worked in a Mall-like hospital.

I woke up early and spent an hour hunting them down and hugging them.  Cats hate being hugged.

I dreamed of the two people that were my big romances, the dream had no romantic parts and was very scary.  I woke up at 3:30 AM and spent two hours playing a candy game online to clear my head.

Dreams, if not written down or told to someone else, fade, fall apart like smoke.
I have awakened with them crumbling at the back of my mind 6 out of 7 mornings for a month now.

All that is left by the next night, is either a relaxed, hope I dream tonight, feeling, or a dread that postpones lights out and causes frequent trips to check doors, closets, or if it was a roaring nightmare the night before, under beds and futons.

These last two months, I've seen people I haven't thought about in years.  I've gone on strange trips with people long dead and done routine housekeeping chores with childhood friends that are still just like the last time I saw them.

This pandemic has killed people.

It has lost people jobs and may be causing homelessness as I write.

It has become the only thing in the news, and has removed from public consciousness such horrors as the lost immigrant children in cages, the homeless, the opiate-addicted, the border wall, income inequality, government corruption (unless it is related to medicine and PPE), the uninsured, the destruction of the environment, and the rights of poor, brown, female, LGBQT, and unreligious.

But, I am fine.  Not F.I.N.E., but fine.  I'm in a safe home, with food and utilities paid and money unchanged from my usual.  I have an occasional cough or sneeze, stopped by allergy meds. (Oklahoma pollen is tough in the spring) 

It's raining a lot, a really wet spring, but not like last year, so the flood that took out my house should not repeat this year---hopefully.

My kids are all still working and getting paid.

My grandkids are doing distance learning--and having homeschooled my  own kids for a bit, I realize that depending on their own parents, might be learning more than usual or not.

Yet, my dreamland is churning out weirdness.  It's disconcerting.

I'm fine.

Stay well, and pleasant dreams.

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