Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Living in a Binary World (or how to talk yourself off a cliff)

There is a common theme out there these days.  Or perhaps 2 themes would be more accurate.
There are the "anyone else have a panic attack just thinking about going out in public right now," and the "why is anyone staying home or wearing a mask when they leave, the pansies".
These two groups are pretty much in hate with each other.
These two groups are not the answer to anything.

I've been living in a binary world for most of my adult life.
It prevents panic attacks
It prevents stupid choices.

You just have to ask the right questions.
Such as:
If I don't have to go out in public?
a. I can stay home--I have plenty of projects, entertaining tech and chores, not to mention food.
b. I can go out in public for whatever I don't have.
If I go out in public wearing a mask, what is the worst that can happen?
a.  Somebody makes fun of me.
b. Nothing happens.
If I go out in public without a mask, what is the worst that can happen?
a. I catch the new novel SARS virus.
b. Nothing happens.
If I catch Covid-19, what is the worst that can happen?
a. I get sick and unwittingly expose my family to the virus during the incubation period.
b. I don't get sick, but unwittingly expose my family to the virus during the incubation period.
If I get so sick I need a ventilator?
a. I die.
b. I don't die but have all the side effects of being on a ventilator for a while plus a huge bill.
If I Die?
a.  I've already paid for the cremation and niche so no worries.
b.  Even if it isn't all handled, I'm dead and we all die sometime.

I've used this method of self-talk for years to keep from suffering escalating anxiety and panic attacks.
It works great.
It also makes it obvious that the social distancing and wearing a mask is the cheapest and easiest choice.

Neither the people with new-onset agoraphobia or the folks making fun of anyone taking any precautions are exhibiting good thinking skills.

They are what we have.

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