Saturday, November 28, 2020

Trump sort of conceded.

His Tweet said "He won because the Election was Rigged. NO VOTE WATCHERS OR OBSERVERS allowed, vote tabulated by a Radical Left privately owned company, Dominion, with a bad reputation and bum equipment that couldn't even qualify for Texas (which I won by a lot!).  The Fake & Silent Media, & more!

OK, so he admitted Biden won, but only by cheating.

First.  Dominion voting systems were used in 24 states, 5 won by Biden, a sixth won by Biden was said to be Dominion by Trump, but was not. He is literally gaslighting.  

Second.  Poll watchers require education and advanced permission.  They were both allowed and present.  The "VOTE WATCHERS AND OBSERVERS"  that weren't allowed were the people that showed up en masse to crowd into polls to intimidate voters. Trump requested they do this, but it is illegal.

Third.  (From the texas elections site online.)

In Texas, you’ll vote on one of these systems.

The State of Texas has selected and certified voting systems from three different vendors: Election Systems & Software (ES&S), Hart InterCivic, and Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold, Inc.). Regardless of the system you’re using, know this: When voting in the Lone Star State, you count. Texas makes sure. Following are the voting systems certified for use in Texas. (You can click on the name of each voting system to go to the manufacturer’s product description page.)

From Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. (formerly Premier Elections and Diebold, Inc.)

From Election Systems & Software:

From Hart InterCivic:

Yep, one of the voting systems used in Texas is----Dominion.

Fourth.  Trump won in Texas by 5.75%, that is 647,282.  Texas has a lot of people.  He won, but nothing like Wyoming with a 43.66% victory (thanks to 12,000 more voters--when population is small, percents look bigger)

Texas used Dominion Voting Systems.

So after Thanksgiving, We are still hearing "fraud, rigged".  We are hearing "no way Biden got 80million votes."

Why couldn't he,  Trump got more this time than any previous election, and Biden got even more.  There are over 330 million people in this country.  70+80 is only 150 million people.  There are about 60 million people under 18. (So that accounts for 210 million.  There are about 22 million noncitizens in the country, so that makes 232 million.  So Biden could have had 170million votes and not been lying, cheating, or making stuff up.

It is hard to get your way your whole life and suddenly not get it.

Most of us dealt with that by age 3.

We don't need anymore spoiled little rich boys in our white house.  

He never even tried to represent the majority of us, just his fans and his donators.

He CAN never concede, it changes nothing.  But January 21st, we will be free of him.

May we never hear his name again.  (except in history classes about our worst President ever)

A toast to sanity.  Be Well.

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