Sunday, May 15, 2016

The United Nations

What if:
  • The United Nations really was a global peace keeper?
  • What if every nation treated their membership in the group as their "golden ticket" to participation in global commerce.
  • What if members of the United Nations could not go to war and only the United Nations could decide to send troops to an area to maintain peace.
  • What if all military personnel of a nation, participated in activities in their own nations, working with peaceful needs such as disaster relief.
  • What if all military personnel of a nation were dually a part of the United Nations military and participated as needed to protect the peace of the world.
  • What if, nations that were not members were not considered to be global participants, thus losing their rights to trade with nations that were members.
  • What if the most important thing we did was offer to help nations that weren't members, assistance in meeting requirements for becoming members, and improving the human condition of their citizens.
That is a lot of what ifs, but WHAT IF?

When looking back, there has been one instance of UN participation in a police action--we called it the Korean War, and....we won?  Two of the countries backing the civil war, and it was a civil war, north versus south, (there but by the grace of god goes the USA), were the People's Republic of China--new and not a member and the United Soviet Socialist Republic- a charter member of the United Nations.  That whole thing was part of the bloody fight against socialism, the start? of the Cold War.  A shame that Stalin and Mao Zedong grabbed the reins of people's fights against the usual oligarchies and turned them into their own, private dictatorships.  Both are huge countries.  Could the UN have kept those two nations from becoming human rights nightmares?  I don't know.  But most of the civil wars, revolutions and police actions between 1947 and now were more about controlling another country's natural resources and creating puppet regimes that were friendlier to the wants and desires of the backing nations.  The United Nations could have said and done something about that.

If the United Nations hadn't had its teeth pulled and claws removed at its initial creation.

Those nations that like to call themselves the world leaders, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the United States,  you know, the rich countries that were known as colonial giants, that half the little revolts and wars were to get out from under, didn't want to be told they couldn't go in and create havoc.  They just wanted the other countries to not be able to create havoc.

Above is a map of members of the members of the United Nations. The yellow spots are non-members, can you see them, I know it is tough--but I think there are 2 yellow spots in Africa.

Since the creation of United Nations, there has been an endless stream of wars, and while many are civil wars and revolutions and bloody coupes, most have had the monetary and political and war machine assistance of those same military giants, but not for peace, or humanity or justice.

For Profit.

We don't back people because they are poor and have an awful life and an expectation of an early death.  We back wars because we want the oil, or the diamonds or the cheap labor or the wonderful farm produce that won't grow anywhere else.

For Profit,  for our (read our as the leaders, the shakers and movers, the rich and powerful) personal profit.

And when we decide, as a nation, to send our troops, we don't send the sons and daughters of our leaders, our political leaders, our corporate leaders--we send the sons and daughters of those people that have their children join for the possibility of a job, a chance to get an education that they otherwise couldn't afford, a chance at a better life--or death.

For Profit.

How many wars could be avoided if the citizens of a place were free to participate in the governing of themselves.

How many wars could be avoided if a country that was not a member of the UN could not sell goods outside their own country. ( Oh My!  we can't get their stuff?  we can't take advantage of their lack of human rights? No, I need my diamonds and chocolate and tiger skins and elephant tusks, without all that, how can I show how filthy rich and powerful I am)

How many civil wars and revolutions could be avoided if the UN assisted them in building their infrastructure, building schools, obtaining medicine, starting businesses that allowed all participants in the business a livelihood.

Imagine a world in which the war machine, the weapons factories, the defense research were all redirected toward the good of mankind: instead of weapons, farm equipment and playground equipment, instead of defense research, medical research for those orphan illnesses and those diseases that attack the poor--we have spent enough on erectile dysfunction and baldness to last 5 lifetimes.

Until those nations that originally created the United Nations see it as more valuable than themselves, more important toward world peace, instead of like an club to hold over the heads of the less powerful nations while they continue to do as they want, we will continue in our endless cycle of war...

For Profit.

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