Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Secession of Texas

If I were a prophet, I'd predict that Texas will secede.


When it does, we need to do 5 things immediately:
  • Go down and take all their nuclear weapon capability--they are a much more hawkish place than Iran.
  • Agree to it--no fighting, no arguing, the only stipulation being that those individuals that are afraid to stay get to leave without harm during the first six months and those individuals that think they might just be a Texan, get to enter for the first 6 months.
  • Make a law that no person with ties to Texas can run for office in the USA and that they will be watched due to their possible ties to an enemy nation. ( i like this one, even if they don't secede)
  • After the initial 6 months, seal the borders.  We don't want a bunch of illegal immigrants coming up here for our jobs and bringing contraband in--like guns and bolo ties.
  • Prepare another flag pole at all those 6-flags amusement parks, which will now be known as 7 flags--or will they just use one of the previous 6?  I don't know how that will work.
The world has gone nuts.  Every day, I think that--like it just happened.  But it has been going on for a while, a very long while.  Likely, my entire life.

But there are things I know.

  1. Everybody, no matter what race, religion, sex, socioeconomic group, or other divisive and man-made  label you can place on another person, was born at the beginning of their life.  They start their lives as babies then children and eventually adults, if they are fortunate enough to make it that far.
  2. Everyone one gets one day at a time.  Their memories may be pleasant or horrific, many or few, vivid or viewed through a veil of chemicals and/or disease.  Their future, which is never promised, only expected or hoped for or dreamed of, is always a mystery.  On this point, we are equal, although many of us don't get that.
  3. We will all, each and everyone, get an opportunity to grow on each of those days.  We might balk some days, or fight change or embrace paths we have been warned against, or try to find a person to follow or a person to follow us.  We might refuse to make a single choice one day.  We might decide (another word for making a choice) to do nothing all that day that we were not warned to avoid.  We might struggle with internal demons.  We might fight actual monsters.  We might meet our own end.  In this way, we are all equal.
  4. Each of our days, most of us get up, knowing that there is a sameness expected, much as we have faith the sun will rise.  We also know, that something could change.  We usually expect to have another chance tomorrow if today we fail.
  5. One day, each of us will die. What happens after that is not one of the things I know.  
Today, look around.  Ask yourself if you are part of the craziness or part of the solution to the craziness.

Make a choice.
(tomorrow, you get to decide again)

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