Saturday, July 12, 2014

These are a few of my favorite things (hum that Julie Andrews tune as you read, it isn't lyrics, but I want it stuck in your head)

  • NPR radio, not the old version with Rush Limbaugh, but the new stuff which seems to have moved as I have moved--kind of like a great pair of Jeans.  If I had any money, I'd donate it to them, as it is, I just love the stuff they talk about.
  • Neil Grasse Tyson, the Cosmos guy, the man about science that isn't afraid to say the stuff that the public school in this state and several others just as red won't let be taught--but we want to compete in science and engineering and medicine.  That is like promoting art while making it illegal to use writing or painting implements.  He is also very vocal on political issues that are even more hands-off, equal opportunities, cultural bias, you name it, what is not to love.
  • Ebay, I have no reason for this, but have bought enough stuff there that must  prove I love it.
  • Facebook, (just kidding)
  • Farmer's markets--o yeah!  tastes like fresh, homegrown, I'm speechless, but the flavor is so much better than the packable/shippable/genetically altered stuff that passes as produce at the store.   It makes me beg for spring and summer to hurry back.  This year, every flower bed has been vegetablized.
  • Flea Markets--think REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE.  I take some cash--they got smarter and put in ATM machines, so you can usually get more--and due to my own weird need to purchase from the underdog, I now own some very odd things.  My children will have to figure out what that stuff was about after I'm dead.  Its a kind of revenge for making me purchase pogs and name brand jeans during growing spurts and those weird little electronic pets that would suddenly start making noise for no reason in the middle of the night.
  • Nature Parks that let you enjoy the sounds and sites of nature without the screams of over-excited children, bawdy teens and drunken adults and no motorcycles, scooters,motorboats, radios, tv's---what am I saying, no evidence of other humans.
  • Kittens, how very cliche, but kittens are so completely themselves.  They each have their own personality and are almost immune to pavlovian alterations.  Control freaks that think they have trained their little ball of wild animal are almost always later made aware that they got the creature to not do that while the human was watching. To me, that is smart, despite the tendency of most people to define smart by how fast you can train something to do what you want, I think having a mind of your own may trump that.
  • Old trees.  
  • Power tools--being older and female, its like suddenly all that upper body strength and decreased endurance no longer matters.  I can make anything I can pick up, prop up or build laying down and then get help pulling it up.  Or I can go buy an electric winch to pull it up.  See what I mean?
  • Rocks! Not Rock-and-Roll (though that is not bad), not Rocking chairs(also fun) but rocks!  They are fun to find, fun to look at, fun to wear and fun to decorate with.  Yesterday I got my first trilobites--just looking at them makes me think in geologic time.  I'm just a baby in the general scheme of things.
  • Projects!---not work ones, personal ones.  If it starts with a goal and ends with a change--that is it.  I'm getting ready to finishing painting the stairs.  I'm scattered, so it is coat two, and is still an unknown time from the end.  I also have a half-finished beadazzled wig head, multiple quilts in various stages, several oil paintings, and a chair to finish.  I always have something to work toward---but when a project is done--what a feeling of accomplishment.
  • Grandbabies.  Not every baby, but those babies that your own kids are raising and you get to have time with.  A little trip down memory lane, a chance to get to know a new member of the family, and time to play.
  • Sunny mornings with the light streaming across the yard, each blade of grass casting its own shadow, bark mottled, leaves glistening, its like a miracle is occurring---guess it is.

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