Monday, March 1, 2021

Why do men think they are better than women?

That is not exactly the question.  Better?  More Powerful?  Intellectually superior?  More capable of critical thinking?  Faster at moving, thinking, reacting?  

No.  Those are not the questions, either, although there are those that believe all of those are true.

A lot of people will say--they aren't, don't put me in that group that thinks men are better than women.


But my mother frequently would say things that implied all those things.  And also compared herself more favorably with men than with other women.

My aunt frequently stated that single women were relegated to live in a less full lifestyle because they had no husband to take care of them and make the decisions that would make the family successful.

So maybe the title question should have been "why do people think men are better than women?"

About half of us have admitted that there is such a thing as institutional racism.

We know that we never fully ratified the equal rights amendment.

There are women that fear equality would mean women would be drafted into the military or put into the line of fire if they join the military on their own.

But do we have institutional sexism?  or cultural sexism?

How commonly, do powerful men still treat women that are in less powerful positions as if they are basically "domestic help".

Why is domestic help seen as subserviant?

Why do we have jobs--jobs for anyone--that are not valued as equal people to those hiring them.

Why is being beautiful or physically fit or young seen as sexual and inviting despite the actual person not doing anything different than the old, fat, homely person.

These are real questions.

I have no answers.

These answers are the same answers to institutional racism and institutional religionism and  institutional ageism.

I need your opinion.  I need your input.  How do we fix this?

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The United States has changed a lot since it's birth in 1776, but even before it declared it's independence, it started the the post...