Sunday, December 3, 2017

Who's crazy?

We have averaged a mass shooting a day this year.  Lets have a moment of silence and pray for the survivors.
Hillary had her emails on a personal servor.  LOCK HER UP!
Trump retweeted a video originally posted by a far right English hate group--in which the final part had already been debunked.  No big deal.
Trump bragged about being able to grab women by the pussy on a video.  Boys will be boys.
A female police officer shot an unarmed man over 10 foot away from her because she was scared for her life, and a jury called it a justified police shooting.  There were 2 other officers with her, both closer to him than she was.  The video showed a man moving so slowly that their was no way he could have effectively done anyone any harm.   Justified.
Russia meddled in the US election.  The winning team knew it.  Not a problem.
People are kneeling during our national anthem.  OMG, lock them up and throw away the key.
People are trying to take away our confederate hero statues.  NO, Say it's not so, our history is at stake!
People are trying to legalize marijuana.  Look what stinking Colorado started--perhaps that was the Rocky Mountain High from the song.
People are trying to take away our guns. You'll have to pry them from our dead, cold fingers.
Gay people are getting married.  That is an affront to all heterosexual Christian marriages.
Nonchristians are entering our country legally.  We are a Christian nation.
Mexicans are entering our country illegally and using up all our resources and committing crimes.
No Mexicans are showing up to work our farms and pick our fruit and vegetables and clean our houses and watch our kids.
People without money think they should get free healthcare.  (unspoken message-die, poor folks, die!)
People making billions don't think they should have to pay people enough to live on because it cuts into their profits.  (all the money should belong to the rich, then the peasants will know we own them body and soul)
I have a hard time understanding  the awful stuff we normalize and the simple stuff we demonize as unacceptable and evil.

1. Why should healthcare NOT be free to everyone equally.  We have a right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness."  Try having any of that with an unset broken arm, a raging infection or an untreated case of type 2 diabetes mellitus.  All of Europe has universal health care.  So does Canada.  Rwanda, Russia, Botswana, Serbia, and Jamaica have FREE UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE.  But here, we think there are people that should die because they are not capable to getting a job that provides healthcare or that make too little to pay copays.

2.  Why should Education NOT be free from preschool thru Doctorate programs.  Also free should be Vocational programs and technical schools.  Instead of making people and their parents buy them entry into a future job, we allow individual strengths and desires for jobs as well as sensible numbers of programs for jobs (we don't need 200 millions medical assistants so why have 200 million medical assistant openings for training.)  Brilliant poor people should not be washing dishes and rich slow people should not be wasting space in MBA programs because the owner wants his kid to look qualified.

3.  Guns, why are they wide open.  Why can every crazy person have an arsenal.  Why are the records showing who owns what and who bought what, not only not national, but not computerized.  Apparently, we in the USA are more concerned that someone that wants to kill someone has difficulty doing that, than someone that needs an antibiotic has difficulty getting one.

4.  Why are people so concerned about the personal lives of people different than they are, the religion of immigrants, the sexual orientation of  same sex couples, the birth gender of soldiers, but totally forgiving of sexual predators, pedophiles, scammers, cheaters, and liars if they share the same religion or political party.

5.  Why does every person with a job that pays better than minimum wage think they are middle class.  $30,000/year, $300,000 a year, they all think they are middle class, and don't get that all the middle class people aren't living just like them.  The top think they are average.  The bottom think they are average.  And both think that their problem are those poor people under them--who, by the way, are poor, not because their parents were poor, not because they were discriminated against by the whole system, but because they are losers that just didn't work hard enough.

Our problem is systemic.  But our system is made up of individuals.  Individuals that prefers to feel good about themselves while blaming everyone else for the problems.  We have become a nation of deflectors, a nation of moneygrubbers, a nation of scammers and liars and blamers.  We have become a nation of haters.

And while I know plenty of people trying to hold on to their sense of right and wrong:  Trying to maintain an ethical compass pointing true north, most of us are getting tired.  We are starting to hate the craziness and the people that are keeping it going.  

Hating crazy people, is crazy.

So, what's the problem?

We are.

Pogo was right.

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The United States has changed a lot since it's birth in 1776, but even before it declared it's independence, it started the the post...