Sunday, June 4, 2017

Thumbing our nose at our children's future.

The Paris Agreement (French: Accord de Paris), or Paris climate accord and Paris climate agreement, is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation and finance starting in the year 2020. The language of the agreement was negotiated by representatives of 196 parties at the 21st Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC in Paris and adopted by consensus on 12 December 2015.[3][4] As of June 2017, 195 UNFCCC members have signed the agreement, 148 of which have ratified it.[

June 1, 2017, President Donald Trump, sometimes called "our so-called President", "The Donald" or the "Cheetoh", pulled the United States from the Accord.

His reasoning was-----no one knows his reasoning or if he reasons at all.  But he seems fixated on the very strange goals of 1. Fulfilling all his ridiculous campaign promises and 2. undoing everything the 44th president did--presumably because "he wasn't born here".  (and definitely not because he's a black man).

The 27% of voters that voted President Trump in (and he and HRC were a near tie, she had more popular votes, he had more electoral votes--and Russian tampering had nothing to do with that๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ) are still his loyal and incredibly violent-prone fans.  They are cheering and trolling everywhere someone is moaning about the withdrawal from the Paris Accords.

The United States of America has joined Syria and Nicaragua in boycotting the future of the Planet.  Nicaragua said the deal didn't go far enough in protecting the climate. 
Syria--well, Syria is having a bad time right now--Civil War, refugees, they can hardly agree to anything.

But the US?

We are second in Carbon Emissions, China is First.  But per capital, we are over 2 times everyone else.

The coal miners are mostly proud of the President. 
There are currently about 104,824 coal miners working 2,000 mines in the US.
The number of people employed in petroleum is much higher and much better compensated.
Many in oil have skills that translate more easily to other industries than the very specific coal mining work.

As of 2011, there were over 3.4 million green energy jobs in this country---and it is growing at about 50,000/year..

The thing that none of these people worried about their "job" and "way of life" seem to consider, is that
1.  Coal is nasty.  If I can choose between a soot covered electrical plant or having solar panels that actually help to lower my bill while not making black, choking smoke, I'm going solar.  If there is natural gas, wind turbines and solar panels plentifully providing my power, I'm not going to put in a coal burning stove for heat.  And my town is hopefully not going to continue with coal--same reason.

2.  Change is constant---perhaps the only constant.  If you have managed to avoid change your whole life--it's your turn.  Most of us have had multiple major life changes due to technology and culture.  The ability to adapt to change is what makes humans capable of survival in diverse circumstance.  Learn something new.  Be proactive--learn something new before the mine puts up a closed sign.

3.  It's not just coal.  We all seek out more efficient heating systems, cooling systems, refrigerators, cook stoves, light bulbs, cars, tools---not because we are trying to force people into greener pastures (pun intended) but because; my Prius saved me a crapload of money on gasoline, my energy-efficient appliances lowered my electric bill, etc, etc. 

4.  As soon as I can afford Solar panels, I'll get them, not because I'm out to kill non-renewable energy worker's jobs, but because I need to treat my resources with respect. 

5.  AND, climate change is happening.  I'm no science denier.  I'm not going to sit here with my head in the sand and run the planet into the ground and blame that on the end times.  If we make the end times, then that is truly on us.  If we rush to kill the human species in the name of Armageddon.  If we deny that humans have the free-will to alter anything by our choices, greed, technology, war weapons--that is not "God's Will".  That is just our willfulness. 

6.  If you truly don't believe in all this "Climate Change", "green technology" stuff, then
Stop buying all those bottles of water.  Stop the sunscreen.  Stop putting CO monitors in your house.  Stop the RADON monitors.  Stop with the mosquito repellant.  Stop buying organic. Pour your pills in the toilet.  Pour the leftover gasoline in the garden.  Oh, and stop sending your kids to school because you obviously place no value on education or science or making a better future.

Me?  I'm going to do what I think is right.  I'm going to err on the side of caution.  No one had to tell me not to take a giant dump in the kitchen because I cooked in there.  I knew that by the time I was potty trained.  So, I'm not going to poison my own environment, not for convenience and not so I can make a living.

As for the decision of #45. 

The Paris Accord doesn't even take full effect until 2020---if we don't give him two bites at the apple, #46 can cancel this latest bit of ridiculous campaign promise fulfillment. 

Thank God Obama didn't write the BILL of RIGHTS.

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The United States has changed a lot since it's birth in 1776, but even before it declared it's independence, it started the the post...