Saturday, August 3, 2024

changing the world is easy, improving it hard.

 I don't know about you, but this third trump campaign---threats of dictators, taking the social security i'm now pretty dependent upon, hypertension requiring the medicare that arrives at 65---all they craziness----it's making my anxious, giving me worries, causing some paranoia.  I don't think I'm alone.  I have ran into multiple people that literally relax when they say something about the election and I don't bang the drum for white christian nationalism or wag a flag around to prove what a great patriot I am.  They relax.  We get to discuss our fears.  We get to say, outloud, how scared we are if the hate, divisiveness, extreme conservativism and talk of violence continues.

For a moment, we don't feel so alone.

For a moment, we know the whole country has not lost it's mind.

So many of us have family members that want to rant about "libtards" but can't bear to hear anything negative about the GOP.  

I finally found a bit of peace, not in the certainty that Harris will win:  I had that certainty the night of the 2016 election and woke up to a president trump.  For 2 years at work, I had to listen to rush limbaugh broadcast loud and proud from the open door of the manager over me.  People were becoming ruder to their coworkers, Older male power players upped their inappropriate behavior to the women employees.  Those in charge became more and more male, more and more vocal in their authoritarian responses to every problem.  

The Tea Party, a silly group of vapid conservatives that wanted to be remember as patriots like the boston tea party (is throwing a ship load of tea in a river really that amazing of an act) had become the MAGA movement.  

We, except a million or so of us, survived that 4 years.  Gun violence was up, unemployment was up, the GDP was down, the stock market down, and we elected Biden by the biggest margin of any president ever.

He has done an amazing job.  Our corporations and billionaires have managed to keep the Trump tax rate for the rich so far, and they managed to keep their profits higher than ever, and unemployment was never lower.

And the general consensus is---he, the current president--is no longer competent.  BUT the 2016 president, who was NEVER competent and scared those of us with brains half to death, is still running, on lies, on threats, on word salad, and on promises of  "be a dictator on day one" and "no one will ever have to vote again"

The only answer is simple.


Live each day with moral responsibility, honesty, and integrity.


And stop acting like WALL-E was an instruction manual for our future.


The United States has changed a lot since it's birth in 1776, but even before it declared it's independence, it started the the post...