Friday, December 31, 2021

The Last Day of 2021.

 It's been a long year.  The pandemic is settling in to be the new normal as we no longer have time to reach herd immunity---the virus has mutated past that.  

We do have lot's of herd mentality.

We had our capital infiltrated by enemies for the first time since 1814---which was during an actual war.

We saw a 17 year old take an illegally purchased weapon to a protest via mom's driving him across state lines, and he was found not guilty. 

We saw a gal pal of pedophile Epstein get convicted of trafficking---sentencing to follow.

We saw an attack on Roe vs. Wade, not overturned yet, but plenty of states have made ending an unwanted pregnancy difficult to illegal.

It has been a weird year.

I'm ready for 2022.

I'm ready for normal, though I suspect a new normal is coming.

We are going to make that new normal.

Let's make it a good year:  a year of peace, a year of equality, a year of equity, a year of love.

Bye, 2021, may you rest your weary bones.

Welcome 2022.

All hope lies in you.


The United States has changed a lot since it's birth in 1776, but even before it declared it's independence, it started the the post...