Sunday, June 27, 2021

Time for the CDC to study gun violence---and police violence.

 The CDC is a great site for the public to learn about health issues.  It is also the hub of where research lands, and the county health departments send the information they collect from hospitals, physician offices, and follow up calls death to the state health departments which can add in information from trauma registry and death certificates, which then provides information to the CDC.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (

Injury Center | CDC

Firearm Violence Prevention |Violence Prevention|Injury Center|CDC

Why is the CDC not allowed to study gun violence?
The amendment, which was first tucked into an appropriations bill signed into law by President Bill Clinton, stipulates that "none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control."
Why was the CDC shut down for gun control?
They lobbied the government to shut down the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control entirely. To compromise, Congress settled on the Dickey Amendment, which states: “None of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control.”
Why the Feds don't research gun violence?
Dickey: Why the feds don't research gun violence. Passed in 1997 with the strong backing of the NRA, the so-called "Dickey Amendment" effectively bars the national Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from studying firearm violence -- an epidemic the American Medical Association has since dubbed "a public health crisis.".
Gun Violence: Why the CDC Doesn't Study It (  An excellent, fact checked article.  
Forty states send gun injury and death information to the CDC.  Ten do not.  The law prevents it from being required and from being studied for purposes of understanding root causes.
There is nothing that centralizes research on police caused injury and death. Several groups have taken it upon themselves to try to track this, but without regulations and requirements, there are many holes in their databases.
There are multiple lists and stats and databases, none complete.  None going very far back.  And none with the same rules of inclusion.
We have an easy route to both report and collect all gun violence and Police violence using the same systems that report Hepatitis C in the community and primary lung cancer deaths.  It's there.  Laws to maintain ignorance and prevent improvement are currently only serving the NRA and the Police Unions.
Ignorance is not bliss but complicit.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Majority Rules in Oklahoma

I just read an editorial about voter fraud written by an Oklahoman in a local newpaper.  

Not about Oklahoma voter fraud, but about voter fraud in every state that didn't vote like Oklahoma voted.  Her push was to have all the voter fraud in the states that really voted for Trump but the vote looked like the vote was for Biden, examined and corrected.

Yes, I know, all the voter fraud claims were found to be untrue except a few in which the fraud was someone trying to vote extra for trump.

Apparently, she believed that Trump was soooo popular that the idea of anyone voting against him was unthinkable.

Oklahoma has a population of 4,027,691 per Oklahoma estimates (the 2020 census says just under 4 million, so I'm guessing that our census results are missing a few folks)  

Of those 24.1% are under 18, so 3,057,018 are of voting age.  Of those, 74% actually registered to vote, but they didn't all vote.  

About 51% of those over 18 actually voted.




Kanye West=5597

Jade Simmons=3654

Brock Pierce=2547

So, 33% of Oklahomans over age 18 voted for Trump.

This state was in the top 5 states voting for Trump.  All 5 states were small by population.   Their is no evidence that anyone should think that Trump was so popular in most other states, and 33% of Oklahomans voted for him.

We need better math classes in this state.

2020 Popular Vote Tracker | The Cook Political Report


The United States has changed a lot since it's birth in 1776, but even before it declared it's independence, it started the the post...