The Tea Party was a conservative subgroup of the GOP that espoused limited government, lower taxes and fiscal responsibility. It was launched in 2009, in response to Obama and his bailing out of various industries that had died from the unregulated mess on wall street.
The first head was Rand Paul and was heavily sponsored by the Koch Brothers--Kansas' favorite fortune 400 representatives.
So began the fracturing of the Republican Party.
In the 2016 presidential primary, there were 4 Tea Party candidates: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and Scott Walker. This in itself made all 4 of them less likely to win as they were splitting the subgroups voters up. If the Tea Party had agreed on one candidate, Ted Cruz might have won the nomination. Jeb Bush who was not officially a tea party member, dropped out and endorsed Ted Cruz. Bobby Jindal dropped out and supported Marco Rubio. Rick Santorum dropped out and endorsed Rubio. Rick Perry dropped out and endorsed Ted Cruz. Scott Walker dropped out and endorsed "anyone but Trump".
There were 5 more traditional conservative GOP candidates that were capable of working across the aisle; John Kasich, Mike Huckabee, George Pataki, and Lindsey Graham. John Kasich placed third in the primary and did not endorse Trump. Mike Huckabee dropped out and endorsed no one I can find, but who actively supported Donald Trump during his presidency. George Pataki dropped out and endorsed John Kasich. Chris Christy dropped out and endorsed Trump. Lindsey Graham and endorsed Jeb Bush, then when Bush dropped out, he endorsed Rubio. Lindsey was anti-trump until after Trump won.
There was one black candidate, a political outsider, a world renowned neurosurgeon that had retired from medicine in 2013 for unknown reasons. While his family was still dependent on food stamps when he was in ninth grade, he was a staunch supporter of "no government handouts". (also, the stuff he said during his campaign mostly made no more sense than Sarah Palin had in her speeches). He did poorly in the primaries and ended up supporting Trump, landing himself a cabinet seat.
There was one female candidate, a business woman and an outsider. After she dropped out, she was the VP candidate for Ted Cruz.
Mark Everson, a tax-focused man with actual policies plans, was an outsider that was actively anti-trump.
So, the Grand Ole Party was fractured long before Trump.
Now it is time to dump the Trump supporters, both politicians and fan club. They have proven they are neither about the party or the country.
Since Trump has already declared the Patriot Party, that name is out.
I suggest that true patriots subscribe to the Lincoln Party. (named after a president, and the amazing Lincoln Project---also true patriots.)
Time to bury the broken Republican party. Let it go the way of the Whigs and Federalists.
Or do like a lot of us, and go for independent with the ability to vote in primaries. The GOP is done, but we still need to fix our election processes, from required civics test results to psych eval and medical exam, to clean tax returns, and ranked voting, limited campaign funds so everyone's money is equal, to no gerrymandering, no voter suppression, and automatic registration at 18. And, let the prisoners vote in prison. They are still citizens. We let the rich and famous pay a fine, no felony conviction on their records and keep on voting. We need to stop giving more rights to the rich and powerful.